Global Redaction

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For a long time, a formal rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel seemed all but impossible. In recent months, there have been signs that the two sides are reaching out to each other. But now Saudi Arabia is stopping the talks, according to diplomatic circles.

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In last years relations between India and the West began to get better than ever. India became an important player on the diplomatic and politic stage but also in military cooperation, especially with the United States. But the more India looks for it's own establishment as an great power, the more the West becomes hostile towards New Delhi.


Despite all the assurances, the EU has failed to agree on a common line on key foreign policy issues. These fault lines became clear once again at the EU summit at the end of October. In addition, there are further deep differences between the EU members.

Global Redaction Talk


US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have agreed to resume communication between their countries' armed forces during their talks on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco. This gave rise to hope that the US and China are ready to contain their tensions. But with just a single sentence,...

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is well known for being an problem for the European Union. Several times he refused aid packages or sanctions against Russia, making things complicated within the Union.

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