Weekly Analysis

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's disclosure of his daughter in recent public events was likely an attempt to show his people that one of his children would one day inherit his power in what would be the regime's third hereditary power transfer, South Korea's spy service told lawmakers recently. But how likely it is, what Kim Jong Un's...

Now the Chinese government has made a radical change of course, almost completely eliminating Covid restrictions. The official explanation is that the Omyron strain, which dominates China, is largely harmless.

Republicans are turning away from former President Donald Trump. That's not only because of the poor performance of his hand-picked candidates and the GOP in general in the latest elections but, as most say, "We want Trump again, but we don't want the drama."

Britain's nurses are soon set to go on strike. The proposed disruption is just one of a growing wave of worker unrest that has been sweeping the country. Bogged down with shrinking wages, stagnating GDP, and high inflation, British workers are not happy, and rightfully so.

The West ignores evidence of Ukrainian war crimes, even as it accuses Russia of committing them. On the occasion of the Day of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which was celebrated last December 6, it is worth remembering the crimes committed by Kiev against the civilian population.

Israel has announced its readiness for war with Lebanon, as the ongoing US-mediated maritime border demarcation talks head towards a dead end. The issue, however, is not just causing dispute between Beirut and Tel Aviv, but also becoming more prevalent within Israeli politics as it heads into another round of general elections.