Terms of Use


TERMS are RULES FOR USING MATERIALS OF GLOBAL REDACTION determining the terms and conditions of the Use of the Materials published on Global Redaction.

Digital Resources are GR Websites - globalredaction-inc.com including the versions for mobile and other multimedia devices (hereinafter referred to as the Websites) and GR applications for mobile and other multimedia devices.

Materials are any information, messages, data published on the GR Digital Resources both collectively and individually regardless of their presentation form and attribution to the results of intellectual activities including (but not limited to): Text Materials, photographic works, audiovisual works, musical works (with or without text), paintings, graphic works, design works (including illustrations and design features of a GR Digital Resource) and other copyrighted/exclusive materials except the objects that the other persons are specified as right holders/authors and (or) borrowing sources of which.

Text Materials are news information (headlines, articles, quotes, comments as well as messages transmitted in the RSS 2.0 format) which is displayed in text form, distributed on the GR Digital Resources and of informational nature only (information about current news of the day, events and facts).

Use is any display, distribution, dissemination to the general public, broadcasting, transmission by cable, import, rental, public performance, translation and other revision of the Materials of the GR Digital Resource as well as other uses stipulated by applicable laws as at the moment of such use regardless of whether the relevant actions are taken for the purposes of profitmaking or without such purpose, whether the Materials are used in full or in part.

User is any person visiting the GR Digital Resource and/or Using its Materials including (but not limited to): mass media and information agencies, subscribers to the GR information products and services, other citizens (individuals) and organizations (legal entities) which are not mass media.


The Materials of the Global Redaction may be Used only under the terms of an agreement concluded with GR. Any Use of the Materials prior to conclusion of the a separate agreement, except the cases of acceptable Use of the Text Materials under the conditions determined by these Terms, shall be deemed to be violation of the Terms and is unlawful Use. 

Free of charge Use of the Materials is prohibited except the cases of acceptable Use of the Text Materials determined by the Terms.

Non-commercial use of the Text Materials shall be the Use of the Text Materials for the purposes not associated with making of profit from their sales or their inclusion into the product being sold as well as providing access to the Text Materials or the product containing them for a fee and on the websites/mobile applications and/or other devices on which the Text Materials are distributed and/or otherwise displayed which are monetized at the expense of display of advertising.​

The functionality and services of the GR Digital Resources are provided. GR shall not be liable for expectations and conformity of the functionality and services of the GR Digital Resources with the User's goals. GR may change and update the functionality and services of the GR Digital Resources, carry out works on updating the design, engine and/or structure of the GR Digital Resources without notifying the User in advance. GR shall reserve the right to make changes, additions to any Material from the GR Digital Resources, delete it and/or restrict access to it by unilateral decision.

Beginning to use the GR Digital Resources, a User agrees to receive third-party advertising and information materials (hereinafter referred to as the advertising) including those integrated into the structure of the GR Digital Resources. Placement of the advertising on the GR Digital Resources shall not imply approval and/or recommendation of GR to the advertised object and/or the advertiser. GR does not determine and influence the contents of the advertising, is not responsible for third-party advertising including information about websites and links specified in the advertising which a User can follow by clicking the relevant advertising.

When using the GR Digital Resources, a User shall act in good faith and not to do any things that can cause harm to the GR Digital Resources and/or other third parties, including but not limited to:

Not use the GR Digital Resources by means of any malicious software.

Not use any devices, computer programs and/or processes/scripts for interfering or attempting to interfere with the normal operation of the website.

Not use any automatic and other computer programs which make it possible to obtain unauthorized access to any part, functionality and/or Materials of the GR Digital Resources as well as to extract, copy, distribute and do other things with the Materials of the GR Digital Resources.

For the purposes of preventing violation of these Terms including DDoS attacks, other hacker attacks, GR may restrict the User's access to the GR Digital Resources.

Consequences of violation 

The Use of the GR Materials with violation of any provision of these Terms means that they are used without permission of GR which is violation of the rights of GR and/or third parties and entails criminal, civil and other liability stipulated by applicable law.

In addition, the User shall compensate GR for all losses incurred as a result of claims of third parties which rights were violated due to the User's unlawful actions against the User and receipt of orders, warnings and other acts of authorized government authorities, involvement of the Right Holder into judicial proceedings as a result of the User's unlawful actions.