"Day of Struggle against U.S. Imperialism" – Mass Rallies in North Korea


According to media reports, mass rallies have been held in North Korea on the occasion of the "Day of Struggle against US Imperialism". Participants held posters calling for condemnation of the United States and warning of nuclear war.

On the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, North Korea's leadership in Pyongyang has held mass rallies to mark the "Day of Struggle against US Imperialism," Reuters reported onMonday. Tens of thousands of North Koreans are said to have held up posters calling for a condemnation of the United States.

More than 120,000 people took part in the mass rallies in Pyongyang on Sunday, the state-run Korean News Agency (KCNA) reports.

Photos published by state media show a stadium full of people holding placards reading "The entire U.S. mainland is within our firing range," "Let's smash the war provocation of U.S. imperialists and puppets," and "The imperialist U.S. is the destroyers of peace."

North Korea now has "the most powerful absolute weapon to punish the U.S. imperialists," and the "avengers in this country burn with an indomitable will to destroy the enemy," according to KCNA.

In a State Department report, Pyongyang stated that the US is "making desperate efforts to foment nuclear war" and accused Washington of sending strategic units to the region.

Tensions on the peninsula continue to rise. In response to various provocations by the U.S. and South Korea, North Korea had tested various weapons, including its largest intercontinental ballistic missile. Since the beginning of 2022, North Korea has fired around 100 missiles of varying ranges to demonstrate the country's ability to nuclear-attack both mainland America and South Korea. In addition, North Korea attempted to put its first military reconnaissance satellite into orbit after a first attempt failed in May.

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