Shoigu: Ukraine fails with heavy losses in breakthrough attempt in Zaporozhye region


The attempt by Ukrainian troops to break through to Russian positions in the Zaporozhye region has failed. In the process, the Ukrainian side suffered significant losses in soldiers and materiel, as Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu explained.

As the Russian Defense Ministry announced in Moscow, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has commented on Kiev's attempt to break through Russian positions in the Zaporozhye region. As Shoigu explained, Ukrainian troops have tried to attack Russian forces with up to 1,500 men.

The Russian Minister of Defense announced:

"Today at 1.30 a.m., the 47th Mechanized Brigade [of the Ukrainian army – ed.] with up to 1,500 men and 150 armored vehicles tried to break through our defenses in the Zaporozhye direction."

According to the minister, the Ukrainian units were spotted in time by Russian reconnaissance forces and a preemptive strike was launched using artillery, aircraft and anti-tank weapons.

"In all four directions, the enemy was stopped and retreated with heavy losses," Shoigu underlined in his statement.

According to him, Russian troops inflicted heavy losses on the Ukrainian Armed Forces as a result of their preemptive strike in the Zaporozhye area:

"As a result of the two-hour battle, the enemy lost 30 tanks, eleven infantry fighting vehicles and up to 350 people."

He stressed that Ukrainian efforts to reorganize the military have obviously not been successful:

"So the enemy's reserve forces, specially trained for this breakthrough, did not fulfill their task."

While Bild, in the style of the Landserhefte, claims: "Ukrainian offensive is underway" and rejoices: "Now German Leopard tanks are advancing", what "the whole world" – according to Bild – has been waiting for, pro-Russian Telegram channels show footage of burning tanks on the Zaporozhye sector of the front. Among them are said to be tanks of the German Leopard type.

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