Study: Fossil fuels continue to dominate significantly


Although so-called renewable energies can show record growth, according to a study by the industry association Energy Institute, the share of fossil fuels remains cemented at a very high level.

According to a study, the record growth in renewable energies has so far had no impact on the use of fossil fuels worldwide.

The lead of oil, gas and coal products with 82 percent in meeting most of the energy demand was cemented in 2022 despite the largest growth in renewables to date, with a total of 266 gigawatts, according to the annual report published today by the British industry association Energy Institute.

Global energy demand rose by about one percent, slowing down from the previous year's 5.5 percent, but still about three percent above pre-coronavirus levels in 2019.

According to the study, energy consumption increased everywhere except in Europe. The military escalation in Ukraine had caused turbulence on the energy markets: gas and coal prices rose to record levels.

"Despite continued strong growth of wind and solar energy in the power sector, energy-related greenhouse gas emissions have risen again globally," said Energy Institute President Juliet Davenport. And she added:

"We are still moving in the opposite direction to the requirements of the Paris Agreement."

According to a large proportion of experts, greenhouse gas emissions worldwide must be reduced by around 2030 percent by 43 compared to 2019 in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, which envisages global warming of well below two degrees.

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