Terror in Tel Aviv: At least eight civilians injured


Against the backdrop of the Israeli operation in the West Bank, a car accident occurred in Tel Aviv on Tuesday. A man, according to police from Palestine, hit passers-by and stabbed one in the neck. So far, eight injured have been reported.

On Tuesday afternoon, a terrorist attack took place in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. As the Jerusalem Post newspaper reported, a man is said to have hit passers-by with his car. According to preliminary information, he then got out of the vehicle and stabbed another victim in the neck. A civilian is said to have finally shot the attacker. In the videos circulating on social media, the perpetrator can be seen lying dead on the ground.

In total, at least eight people were injured as a result of the attack. Ambulance doctors at the scene reported five accident victims who needed medical assistance. A 46-year-old woman is said to be in very poor health. There is no serious threat to the lives of the four other victims. The victims were taken to two hospitals in Tel Aviv. The Jerusalem Post quoted an emergency doctor as saying:

"We saw that it was very serious. There were five injured near the bus stop, including a 46-year-old woman who was lying on the sidewalk conscious and suffering serious injuries."

The spokesman of the Palestinian radical Islamic organization HAMAS, Hazem Qassem, welcomed the attack, describing it as a "first reaction to crimes committed by the occupiers against our people in the city of Jenin."

According to preliminary information from the Tel Aviv police department, the perpetrator, who acted alone, was a Palestinian from the West Bank. Presumably, he had entered Israel with a special medical permit.

The president of the Israel police, Yaakov Shabtai, stated that there had been other arrests related to the perpetrator. Details of the attack are currently being clarified. In addition, Shabtai thanked the citizen who shot the terrorist. As a result, he prevented an escalation of the incident and further victims.

On Monday night, Israeli forces entered the Palestinian city of Jenin, launching their largest offensive in 20 years. According to the deputy head of the Jenin governorate, Kamal Abu al-Rub, about 3,000 people have fled the refugee camp in the city so far. For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the region had become a hotbed for terrorism, from which insidious attacks on Israeli men, women and children were carried out. So far, at least ten people have been killed in the course of the Israeli operation. According to the UN, three of them could be children.

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