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The postmodern coup that removed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan from office in April 2022 – as punishment for his multipolar foreign policy – triggered a cascade of economic, judicial, political and internal security crises. These crises have shaken Pakistan to its core. The U.S.-backed regime, which was installed in place of Khan, refuses to hold free and fair elections in a timely manner. Because it knows that it would lose them after the former prime minister's party – the PTI – won several by-elections last year.

At the same time, the coup regime brutally cracked down on civil society, imprisoning dissidents and censoring the media out of sheer desperation to possibly lose power. But the Pakistani people could not be silenced and forced to accept what Imran Khan calls an "imported government." And citizens continue to protest peacefully to be allowed to exercise their democratic rights. They believe that Pakistan's political crisis can only be solved through elections, only then can the other crises be overcome.

The postmodern coup that removed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan from office in April 2022 – as punishment for his multipolar foreign policy – triggered a cascade of economic, judicial, political and internal security crises. These crises have shaken Pakistan to its core. The U.S.-backed regime, which was installed in place of Khan, refuses to hold free and fair elections in a timely manner. Because it knows that it would lose them after the former prime minister's party – the PTI – won several by-elections last year.

At the same time, the coup regime brutally cracked down on civil society, imprisoning dissidents and censoring the media out of sheer desperation to possibly lose power. But the Pakistani people could not be silenced and forced to accept what Imran Khan calls an "imported government." And citizens continue to protest peacefully to be allowed to exercise their democratic rights. They believe that Pakistan's political crisis can only be solved through elections, only then can the other crises be overcome.