The city of Seversk: Ukraine loses the third pillar of defense in Donbass


The city of Seversk, along with Soledar and Artyomovsk, forms the third pillar of Ukraine's defense in Donbass. Now it is increasingly being targeted by the Russian armed forces. How could further events develop in the event of a Russian success?

On Monday, retired Lieutenant Colonel of the LPR People's Militia Andrei Marochko reported that units of the Russian Armed Forces have taken favorable positions near the city of Seversk in the Donetsk People's Republic. He noted that the situation of the Ukrainian military had deteriorated significantly over the past weekend.

At the same time, thanks to the occupied positions, the Russian armed forces could control new pieces of terrain and attack the Ukrainian military more effectively. The lieutenant colonel added that the Ukrainian command was forced to reinforce this section with both personnel and new equipment.

In addition, Marochko reported that Ukrainian soldiers deserted near the city of Kremennaya, where a Russian offensive is currently underway. According to him, Russian military personnel noticed that morale in the Ukrainian ranks was low.

The lieutenant colonel also mentioned that some Ukrainian fighters would not put up serious resistance and would leave their positions. The nationalist units deployed by the Ukrainian military to deter its own troops could not do their job, he added.

The fact that Seversk is becoming increasingly important was previously reported by the newspaper Vzglyad. The reason for this is the geographical location of the city, which, together with Soledar and Artyomovsk, is one of the three "pillars" of the Ukrainian defense line in Donbass.

The fate of Soledar is well known: even though Ukraine tried to claim the opposite, it eventually had to admit the loss of the city. The fighting for Artyomovsk continues. There, the Ukrainian military has now recorded such high casualties that the Western press has grown tired of reporting on it. Now the time has come for the liberation of Seversk.

Former LPR Ambassador to Russia Rodion Miroshnik said:

"Seversk is a relatively small city that occupies a dominant position in terms of landscape. It is of strategic importance. Currently, active fighting is taking place along the Ukrainian defense line Seversk - Soledar - Artyomovsk. Soledar has already fallen, the fate of Artyomovsk will soon be sealed, then it will be Seversk's turn."

Miroshnik explained that Seversk has been under Ukrainian control for almost half a year. This leads to the constant shelling of Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, Kremennaya and Rubezhnoye and makes it impossible to rebuild these cities:

"The fate of the entire metropolitan area depends on who controls Seversk."

And the ex-diplomat added: "The fact that we have taken favorable positions allows us to consider the current events as preparation for a possible offensive. We have the necessary strength. And the next destination must be Krasny Liman."

Only after capturing these cities is it possible to say that the defense line Seversk - Soledar - Artyomovsk has fallen. Then the Ukrainian military would be forced to retreat to the next line of defense, which will probably run at Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Druzhkovka, Miroshnik said. He concluded:

"We also observe that Ukrainian soldiers began to desert near Kremennaya. First and foremost, this is due to heavy losses on their side. In addition, the motivation of the troops there is practically zero. Everyone understands that we have an advantage and they are simply led to the slaughterhouse. And in order to keep his life, the enemy deserts."

Situation around Seversk

The Russian assault units are currently advancing north along the Soledar - Seversk road towards Razdolovka and Zakatnoye. This was made possible after Russian forces captured Soledar and the adjacent settlements, including Sacco i Vanzetti and Nikolayevka, said Boris Roshin, an expert at the Center for Military-Political Journalism. He stated:

"The enemy's problem is that if our forces block their roads, defending these settlements is pointless. By the way, this was also the reason why the Ukrainian military left the positions in Belogorovka near Lisichansk."

In addition, the Russian troops advance on the road to Krasni Liman from the north. The military expert added:

"Our troops are also conducting an offensive on the northern bank of the Seversky Donets in the Dneprovo forest. Thus, on the one hand, there is a likelihood that our troops will advance and shell the Ukrainian military from the south. And on the other hand, that they will gain ground in the forest, gradually pull in the artillery and now shell the road from the north."

Roshin described the situation of the Ukrainian military as operationally threatening. He noted:

"If the enemy feels that he cannot supply the Seversk garrison, he will face an unpleasant choice: either risk encirclement, or withdraw the troops to use them in battle on the Chasov Yar - Rai - Alexandrovka line."

Rozhin noted that the situation of the Ukrainian armed forces is deteriorating. In his opinion, Ukraine's forces would not be sufficient to defend this section, because many reserves would be transferred to Artyomovsk. He emphasized:

"Seversk - Soledar - Artyomovsk was the first and most important line of defense of the Ukrainian military. Now this line has been broken and our troops have the opportunity to use this breakthrough to flank the garrisons of Seversk and Artyomovsk. This creates two operational crises for the Ukrainian military."

According to the military expert, the situation is similar to the liberation of Popasnaya. He stated:

"At that time, the phenomenon of the so-called 'Blossom of Popasnaya' arose, when our advancing units swarmed in different directions, which caused a whole series of problems for the enemy. The operational situation around Soledar became just such a problem for the Ukrainian command."

According to Roshin's forecasts, the situation at this section could develop as follows:

"Ukraine will lose Artyomovsk and shortly after Seversk, possibly Dzerzhinsk near Gorlovka."

The expert noted that the new line of defense would most likely be built at Slavyansk, Konstantinovka, Kramatorsk and Druzhkovka. But the most important point that Ukraine will try to keep will be Chasov Yar. Roschin stated:

"This is because Artyomovsk is located in a depression, whereas the terrain rises towards western Donbass. They will expect to be able to resist for a while, taking advantage of the industrial areas and the countryside."

The city of Krasny Liman will become a center of fighting in the medium term, the expert said:

"Northeast of Krasny Liman we advanced to Jampol. If you increase the pressure there, it is quite realistic to free Terny and Torskoye who cover Krasny Liman in the medium term."

Roschin assumed:

"We also see how our troops are activating at Kupyansk. It is quite possible to take back part of the lost territories in the Kharkov region and northwestern Donbass in the near future."