Tidying up and thanking God: Russia the day after the Wagner mutiny


On the morning after the Wagner mutiny, relief and a sigh of relief prevail in Russia over the mild outcome. The political analyses are reserved for the coming weeks. The relief is clouded by the fact that several pilots and soldiers transported on the plane were apparently killed in the course of the mutiny.

One day after the mutiny of the "Wagner" mercenaries, which was broken off through the mediation of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, the return to normality has begun in the areas of Russia affected by it.

The restrictions imposed yesterday are gradually being lifted, the usual transport links, which were interrupted on Saturday, are largely functioning again and civil engineering companies have begun to restore the destroyed or damaged road surface.

Wagner mercenaries leave Rostov (24.06.2023)
Wagner mercenaries leave Rostov (24.06.2023)

The governor of the Voronezh region, Alexander Gusev, confirmed in the morning that Wagner's units are leaving the region. According to him, this is "normal and smooth". All bus stations in Voronezh are operating normally, buses are running on schedule, the regional government said. Train traffic was not affected yesterday either.

The situation is similar in the Lipetsk region: Here, too, the local authorities announced that all bus services will be served again on schedule. However, the M4 motorway is not yet fully passable.

It is unclear how many casualties among the military personnel yesterday claimed. War reporters and military bloggers report on several helicopters shot down by the Wagner mercenaries and partly prove this with photos. There is no information on the fate of the pilots.

In addition, the shooting down of an IL-22 transport aircraft is reported. Military expert Boris Roshin writes that Prigozhin said that the IL-22 was accidentally shot down "by a fool" and offered 50 million rubles in compensation to the families of the pilots and soldiers who were killed. According to information from Roshin, ten people were killed on the plane.

In the military blogs and commentary columns of major media outlets, there is a sigh of relief and relief that a major bloodshed with the potential for civil war could be avoided. It is also often argued that it is necessary to wait for developments over the next two weeks before assessing the political consequences of the mutiny.

In Moscow churches, prayers of thanksgiving were offered in the morning during the liturgies for the avoidance of bloodshed.

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