U.S. website goes online with nearly 10,000 photos and screenshots of Hunter Biden's laptop


The creators of the website "BidenLaptopMedia.com" had viewed and sorted almost 10,000 photos from the years 2008 to 2019 over months. The published images confirm the controversial public image of the son of US President Joe Biden.

The initiative to set up the website was taken by the "Non-Profit Research Group for the Exposure of Corruption and Extortion – Marco Polo", the head of which is Garrett Ziegler, a former adviser to ex-President Donald Trump in the White House. According to Ziegler, he spent months sifting through the digital archive, scanning it, editing images and finally publishing the rest.

According to Ziegler's statements to the US channel Fox News, several photos with private data were deliberately blacked out, "including those with social security numbers, bank information and credit card numbers – as well as several nude pictures of Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden", the brother of Hunter, who died in 2015.

The initiative to set up the website was taken by the "Non-Profit Research Group for the Exposure of Corruption and Extortion – Marco Polo", the head of which is Garrett Ziegler, a former adviser to ex-President Donald Trump in the White House. According to Ziegler, he spent months sifting through the digital archive, scanning it, editing images and finally publishing the rest.

According to Ziegler's statements to the US channel Fox News, several photos with private data were deliberately blacked out, "including those with social security numbers, bank information and credit card numbers – as well as several nude pictures of Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden", the brother of Hunter, who died in 2015.

Ziegler gave further insights into the type of content that potentially interested parties could expect on the site, including repeated images of Hunter Biden in connection with excessive drug use and gun ownership, but also very questionable footage with clearly minors. Furthermore, there are many pictures in various states of undressing, the obvious influence of drugs, surrounded by drug paraphernalia and conditionally clothed or.

Ziegler assured Fox News that there will be no genitals of any kind on the site. Due to the increased number of hits from all over the world, the website bidenlaptopmedia.com has been chronically overloaded since it was activated and can only be accessed to a limited extent. Following the launch of the site, Marco Polo shared a tweet early Thursday morning noting that the site's servers were "heavily loaded":

Ziegler is quoted as saying that he and his team "are not Republican activists" regarding his motivation for publishing Fox News Digital. None of us are registered Republicans." And further:

Ziegler also pointed out that the existing videos from the laptop "will be available to the public at a later date." Explaining to Fox why this will take even longer, Ziegler said his team "needs to use AI tools to help censor parts of the videos" because "there's so much pornography out there."

Ziegler concluded in the interview that there were "some questionable photos that reporters should look at." According to the Marco Polo Group, it has been researching the entire Biden family for months.

The White House had claimed in April that Ziegler had "illegally" obtained suspicious reports on Hunter Biden's financial activities. The nonprofit monitoring organization had reported in October 2022 that the laptop contained records of more than 400 alleged crimes in which Hunter Biden and his business associates had been involved.

The White House and current lawyer Hunter Biden have not yet responded to a request for comment from Fox News Digital on the site's launch.

"So it's not a contract killing. We will keep all the photos that depict the Bidens in a good light and all the photos that depict the Bidens in a bad light. The American people can judge for themselves what they think about their president's family."

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